REVIEW: Corrupt by Penelope Douglas

Corrupt - Penelope Douglas

♥ ♥ ♥ 4.25 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

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“Three years ago, curious little Erika Fane wanted to play with the boys, so we indulged her, and she betrayed us. There was no way we'd forget.

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What. A. Book!! How do I even review a book like this one? Like seriously! This book was crazy good. I would say it was more of a thriller with an intense and twisted story line than actually dark, though. I started off reading this book not knowing what to expect and I think this the perfect way to get into this one. You should definitely just dive into this book without reading any reviews because I think you will get a better experience from it.

Rika Fane is tired of feeling trapped and controlled. She wants to get the reins back of her life, so she has decided to go away to college and live on her own. She just needs to breathe and be herself, something she has done since that one night years ago with Michael.

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"Such a good girl...
Say it, Rika."
"I'm a good girl," she panted, her voice shaky.
"And I'm going to fuck you up."

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Rika has known Michael Crist and his family her whole life. Michael has always been scary yet intriguing to her. She is drawn to him even though she knows she should stay away. Still, she falls for him despite him always overlooking and pushing her away. Rika saw something in him, something mysterious that she wanted to uncover. But, that was in the past. After what happened, she wants nothing to do with Michael and his friends, Kai, Will, and Damon. She just wants to be left alone. However, unbeknownst to her, Michael has her exactly where he wants her, in his building. He will get his revenge for what she did to his friends that night. No one gets away with betraying them. They will ruin her.

My feelings were pretty much all over the place with this book. There were some parts that were a bit hard to read through. Some things made me mad, others scared the ever-loving crap out of me. It was fast paced, and the things that happened. No matter what, though, I couldn't seem to put this book down. And when I did, it was all I could think about. I enjoyed the originality of the story. I liked seeing the characters grow. Especially Rika, because when she was younger, she kind of annoyed me a bit. But as she grew, she became stronger. Although, I really wanted her the make them work for her forgiveness. It kind of happened a little too fast for me. Then there was this one scene that I was totally not expecting but really liked. It was hot and sexy, and seemed to come out of no where, but again, I'm not complaining. All it left me with is a deep craving for Kai's book. I freaking hope he gets one and soon. The last part of this book was really good and it had me on the edge of my seat. The ending was good too, and it fit the tone of the story very well.

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'He was everything.
My entire life, I only felt completely alive when he was close, and while I knew nothing would ever be easy with him, I also knew nothing would ever be good without him, either.'

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Overall, this was a book that you will love and hate. Just how I loved and hated Michael at the same time. The events in this book are twisted, kinky, and just plainly effed up which is why it definitely won't be for everyone. Still, I was unable to put it down, I was that engrossed in it. This may be different from anything that Penelope Douglas has ever written, but I think she did a great job with it. If dark and twisted romances are your thing, then I definitely recommend you give this one a read.

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