Break Me Down by Roni Loren

♥ ♥ ♥ 3.75 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥
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'He couldn't give her what she most wanted, couldn't be the kind of sub she could have by her side at the Ranch, but maybe he could at least give her this. His body was hers to use however she wanted tonight.'
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Sam has never really gotten over Gibson after all this time. She has tried, but the heart wants what it wants. Sam knows Gibson because he trained her on how to be a domme. Sam never expected herself to fall for him during those training sessions. When Gibson found out he quickly put an end to it all. He will never be what Sam craves, a submissive.
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'Her grin was wicked as she raised her arm to wield the belt, her fierce beauty absolute. And he knew he was fucking done.
He agreed to a week.
He may not survive it.
But he'd die with a smile on his face.'
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Time goes by when they finally see each other again. Gibson shows up with mutual friends at the bar Sam works at. He still tried to avoid her despite the need he feels when he is near her. Sam feels the same way. When Sam gets attacked, she is shaken by the event, and runs off for some solitude. Gibson finds out and goes after her. He knows the last thing she needs is to be alone, so he is determined to stay by her side until he is sure she is okay. What ends up happening is an arrangement. He can stay if he will be hers for one week, where he will submit to her.
This was the first book I have read where the dominant in this bdsm relationship is a woman. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it, but I'm glad to say that I really enjoyed it. Sam was a likable character and she did really great for herself despite her horrible upbringing in foster care. I also really liked Gibson and he was a great character despite also having a not so great childhood. However, it did affect him in not wanting to be a submissive. I loved how he cared about Sam and that he would do something that made him uncomfortable and unsure just to make sure she was okay. His feelings for her ran deep and it showed, except for when he was didn't want to accept how he was. I liked the dynamic and the chemistry between them. It was all kinds of hot, and not once did Gibson seem emasculated by being submissive.
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"See how beautifully intense you are in submission. Seeing you like that makes me want to thank the universe that you exist, that there's someone else who gets it. It makes me want to parade you around the Ranch and show you off because of how fucking lucky I'd be to have a man like you."
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This is a novella, so, their story did begin before the book began, but it actually worked. I almost didn't even need to see any scenes of them in the past. Even though it was a short read I was able to connect with them. It was very well developed and you could feel the relationship between them grow. It never felt like I was reading a novella. The sex scenes were definitely hot but not for everyone. There was talk about rape fantasies and such that may make it difficult for some to enjoy. There were some emotional parts in this one so it wasn't all just sex, and a bit of angst that kept things interesting. Overall, I found this to be a really great read.
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