FEVER PITCH by Heidi Cullinan

Fever Pitch - Heidi Cullinan

♥ ♥ ♥ 3.5 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

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"The life you're meant to lead is worth fighting for. Worth crying for, even worth bleeding for. When you sing the right song, your life opens before you, and all the pain and sorrow become the bricks you build your castles with. You, Aaron Seavers, will build amazing things. I look forward very much to seeing that unfold.”

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Aaron Seavers is scared to take that step out of the closet for the fear of what his strict parents would think. Meanwhile, Giles Mulder is out and proud but getting bashed for being who he is. They meet at a party and they instantly connect. They had one night together before they both part ways to go to college. But, both are left wanting more after they leave, even if it ended on a bit of a bad note. Never did Giles ever think that Aaron would end up going to his school and seeing him again.

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'Giles shut his eyes once more--and surrendered to the kiss he'd been dreaming of for six months.'

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I did enjoy this book, but maybe not quite as much as the first one in the series. The first third of the book was really slow to me. It took forever for these two characters to come to speaking terms after their misunderstanding from that one night they shared. I wanted them to clear the air sooner, but that did not happen. Once it finally did happen I was able to get into it. I loved the musical aspect that was put into this book. Since Aaron is a singer and Giles is a violinist. There were many moments I really wanted to actually listen to the music that was being described. I think the music just made the story so much more better and emotional. I just really loved it. And there were many emotional parts that made me tear up. Some not even involving music. I hurt for Aaron so much during one scene. I just couldn't believe what his parents did to him. It made me so upset and angry

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"I'll never do that you. Ever. I've been to the mountain top, and I came down with a Uzi. You're strong too, and you're going to get through this. The world's not too hard for you, Aaron. And you don't have to face it on your own.”

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I was very happy to see Walter and Kelly from book one in this one as well. Walter played a bit of a role in Aaron's life, for which I was grateful for. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love Walter more, he goes off and cares for Aaron selflessly. I liked some of the secondary characters, although there did seem to be quite a lot of them. I did like the set up for Baz and Elijah's story and am very curious about those. The shooting though, I was not expecting, and I'm still not too sure how I feel about it. But everything else I did enjoy. Something I really appreciated about these characters, is that Heidi knows how to make her young characters actually sound like young characters. She uses references to things young people use or talk about. That was something I really loved. I also really liked the cheesy ending. My heart was melting so bad.

Overall, I may not have loved this one as much as the first, but I did enjoy it for the most part. I also really loved how Aaron and Giles finally came together. They were really cute together. I can't wait to move on to the next book.

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