Dirty Red (Love Me With Lies, #2) - Tarryn Fisher image




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"I have done a number of things to keep this man. I have lied and cheated. I have been sexy and meek, fierce and vulnerable. I have been everything but myself. He is mine right now, but I am never enough for him (...) I don't know what he's looking for. I wish I did…

I am who I am.

My name is Leah, and I will do anything to keep my husband."

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Well, I had no idea what to expect when reading this book. I was actually very close to not reading it because I didn't like her in the first book. But then I finally did. Within the first few pages... I HATED Leah. She was heartless, selfish, manipulative, crazy and the Queen of all bitches, I tell ya!! I had never been inside the mind of character like her. She was full of insecurities. She liked to judge everyone else, but all I kept thinking was she should look in the mirror. She disliked it when people looked at her with any look other than admiration, lust, and envy. She wanted to be centre of attention.


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"Caleb is a pretty nice guy"
"Yes? And?"
"Why would he marry a girl like you?"

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That was exactly what I wanted to do at the beginning of this book. How could she so cold-hearted?? I wanted to beat the crap out of her. I seriously don't know how Caleb could have stayed with her as long as he did. The story, just like in the first one, alternates from presesnt to past. You get an insight of Leah's upbringing and how her relationship with Caleb started. I will admit, as much as I hated this psycho woman, I did feel for her because of the way she was raised. She is pretty much seeking what she has never had, love, but going about it all wrong. Still, it doesn't excuse her for her behaviour. She could have changed her ways, but instead she chose to be a spoiled snob just like the family that raised her.

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“Love is illogical. You fall into it like a manhole. Then you're just stuck. You die in love more than you live in love.”

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Leah is struggling to keep Caleb in her life. He is slowly distancing himself from her, but she won't give him up without a fight. I kinda feel bad for Leah because I don't know if she will ever be happy. But then again, she brought it all on to herself. She tried to be honest in hopes of making Caleb stay by revealing what she has done. All she ends up doing is hurting Caleb, and making him angry.

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He thought Olivia could hurt him, I'll hurt him worse. I'll keep hurting him.

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That ending... how can I not continue the next book right away!?! I must read it book now! I need to know how it's all going to play out. How could Leah still choose to be a freaking bitch!? I just really want Caleb to find happiness. I'm not sure if the bitch Olivia can give it to him, just like I know the bitch Leah can't. But who knows... What is up with Caleb and mean bitches anyway?? Well.. now I'm off to read the next!

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"Some people never change. I guess I'm one of them."

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